"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein.
If we are ever to rise above the evil that spawned the shootings in Connecticut, we must change our perspective as a society. Teach intolerance and hatred follows. Destroy creativity and you create a mindless mass ripe for destruction. When you teach consumerism, you create competition rather than cooperation. When you ignore an issue, it doesn't go away. It gets worse. Just for today, I challenge you to really pay attention to what's going on around you. Notice the social and political posturing that removes humanity from society, then do something to change it. You can start with a simple, small kind gesture. Hold the door for someone, give a compliment to a stranger. Help a neighbor. Try seeing the world through someone else's eyes. The rewards will surprise you.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
If you are thinking about giving someone a gift card for psychic readings this holiday season, please consider the following:
1. NEVER give out your real date of birth. Psychics, unless they are doing an astrological birth chart for you, do NOT need them. It's a common scam. Only get an astrological reading from someone you know well and trust.
2. Research a site before you make a payment. A lot of scammers create sites this year to rip people off, so be sure that the company is legitimate and has a good reputation
3. NEVER send cash through the mail. If a site asks to you to do this, RUN not walk away.
4. Make sure that your gift is refundable or at the very least transferable. That way, if the person you're giving it to doesn't like it, they can get the money and do something else or pass it on to someone who will appreciate it.
5. A world of caution: Unless the psychic has an office or does public appearances, she/he should never ask you to meet them in person. If you are invited to a private meeting, please be sure that it is for an event that is legitimate and is being held in a public place. NEVER meet someone in a private setting.
Best of luck and have a very happy holiday!
1. NEVER give out your real date of birth. Psychics, unless they are doing an astrological birth chart for you, do NOT need them. It's a common scam. Only get an astrological reading from someone you know well and trust.
2. Research a site before you make a payment. A lot of scammers create sites this year to rip people off, so be sure that the company is legitimate and has a good reputation
3. NEVER send cash through the mail. If a site asks to you to do this, RUN not walk away.
4. Make sure that your gift is refundable or at the very least transferable. That way, if the person you're giving it to doesn't like it, they can get the money and do something else or pass it on to someone who will appreciate it.
5. A world of caution: Unless the psychic has an office or does public appearances, she/he should never ask you to meet them in person. If you are invited to a private meeting, please be sure that it is for an event that is legitimate and is being held in a public place. NEVER meet someone in a private setting.
Best of luck and have a very happy holiday!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." - Albert Einstein.
With cameras being available almost everywhere, paranormal events like UFO sightings and encounters with ghosts are becoming more and more mainstream and less "spooky". Attempts by Orthodox mainstream to summarily dismiss claims of the paranormal and label anyone who speaks of such things as "crazy" or "weird" are falling to the wayside along with incandescent light bulbs, VCR's and desktop PC's. With so much video evidence, we can no longer deny that there are things out there we just cannot explain. Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be painful. By expanding our minds and allowing ourselves to reach beyond the ordinary, we discover that there is more to life, death and existence than we ever imagined possible and allow that to bring us closer to our spirituality rather than separating it from us. After all, what drives home the beauty of Divinity more than the notion that the universe is far more vast, more complex and more mysterious than we ever realized?
With cameras being available almost everywhere, paranormal events like UFO sightings and encounters with ghosts are becoming more and more mainstream and less "spooky". Attempts by Orthodox mainstream to summarily dismiss claims of the paranormal and label anyone who speaks of such things as "crazy" or "weird" are falling to the wayside along with incandescent light bulbs, VCR's and desktop PC's. With so much video evidence, we can no longer deny that there are things out there we just cannot explain. Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be painful. By expanding our minds and allowing ourselves to reach beyond the ordinary, we discover that there is more to life, death and existence than we ever imagined possible and allow that to bring us closer to our spirituality rather than separating it from us. After all, what drives home the beauty of Divinity more than the notion that the universe is far more vast, more complex and more mysterious than we ever realized?
Only when we recognize our shortcomings can we overcome them. The moment we blame others for our own actions, we lose. The Devil cannot make you do things. You, yourself make the choice. Society is not responsible for your actions, you are. Your parents may not have done the best job raising you, but you alone are responsible for your actions, your well-being and the course of your life. Someone MADE you angry you say? Not likely. No one can generate your feelings for you. YOU responded with anger to something someone did. That was your choice. Enlightenment demands that we look at each moment and situation from a perspective of unconditional love. Let's look at an example: Someone steals your car. You get angry. "What a scum!" You say. But 16 year old Johnny, the boy who stole your car, has a mom who is a junkie and a dad who is in jail. There is no food in the house and his little sister is hungry and not feeling well. They live an a rural area so he has no way to get to and from a job and when he does earn a little money, his mom steals it for drugs. They have no working vehicle and there is no money for him to take public transportation. He only took your car to get his little sister to the emergency room to be looked at. Now of course, you do not know this. But why not ask? Imagine how the world could change if instead of getting angry, we just took a moment to ask a question and perhaps to help make a difference. Imagine how young Johnny's life could change if instead of pressing charges, you offered to help him? A simple kind gesture can mean all the difference in the world. It could even save a life. Imagine how your simple gesture of kindness could affect someone who believes the world is a hostile, unforgiving place. That little gesture may be the one thing that keeps Johnny from becoming a lifelong criminal. So consider your feelings, your thoughts and your actions carefully. You never know when you will have the chance to change the world.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
“Facing the
I really
learned a lot.
I got hurt
along the way,
But look at
all I got..”
(excerpt from "The Truth About Luci by V.K. Lindsey)
Just a little reminder that no matter how impossible things may seem at times, the truth about difficulties is that they are there to challenge us, motivate us and propel us toward bigger and better things.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Silence is the greatest invention. It allows us the space to consider, to plan and to re-think things before we speak. Silence can also be the most difficult tool to use. For people like me, who shoot from the hip, act first, think later and always fly by the seat of their pants, silence can be frustrating.. no agonizing at times. For we type A'ers, the brooding stillness of silence is like a splinter you can't get out. It just doesn't work for us. But, like eating your veggies, it is important sometimes to think before you speak and so I offer this tidbit of advice to folks like me: If you don't want to walk around with your foot in your mouth all the time, just pause a second or two before you say or do something. Don't engage silence as if it were an enemy, instead visit it like an old relative that you love dearly, but can't take too much of. That way, you avoid doing or saying something stupid without the agony of being still. Good luck!
Monday, December 10, 2012
never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to
replenish its source." - Anais Ninn
Life is a like a book. Every day is a chapter with a beginning and an end. The good news is that you are the author of your book. You get to decide how your day will begin and how it will end. Yes, there are those pesky things called Surprises which will sometimes surface and throw you completely off guard. It's what you do with them though that matter. Before you get angry, ask yourself what your role is in the situation. Change your perspective. Say for example, you've asked your spouse or child a dozen times to do something for you and you start your day with the discovery that it still has not been done. You have a choice: You can get angry at him/her for not doing it, OR you can change your perspective and think about what YOUR role is. Are you asking too much? Is he/she not feeling well? Is he/she depressed? Stressed out? Preoccupied with personal issues? Perhaps there's a good reason that he/she failed to do the task or perhaps, he/she just needs some of your attention. If you can't find a reason, try to find a solution that is fun and creative. Did something need fixing? Place the tool box in front of the coffee maker with a happy face on it and perhaps even a card with a promise of a "reward" if it gets done. Is it a mess that needs to get cleaned up? Try this: On a large sticky note, write the following:
"Messes, messes, the (room, house, garage, etc) is a askew
The bugs are a'coming, the rodents are too.
Please be a sport and do your fair share,
And when you are done, you'll find a (hug, smile, reward, whatever you think will motivate them) waiting there."
Place the sticky note somewhere obvious where they are sure to see it. The bathroom mirror or refrigerator are good choices, then sit back and enjoy their response. Fun reminders work best because they take the conflict of the equation and allow for a non-confrontation dialogue. The old adage, "you get more flies with honey than vinegar" is surprisingly accurate.
So make today a great chapter. Do something fun, something creative, something honest and something helpful. Above all do and be your best and tomorrow's chapter will be even better than today's!
V. K. Lindsey: http://sites.google.com/site/vklindsey
Saturday, December 8, 2012
"It is not good enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well."- Rene Descartes
It's so tempting to load kids up with all sorts of blinking, noisy, colorful toys that occupy their time this holiday season. I however, would like to challenge every parent, relative and friend to do something a little different this year: Give a child the gift of your time instead. Read to them, play games with them, dance, sing and be silly with them and give them a gift that will last forever: a happy memory. If you choose to give a few gifts, that's OK, But choose toys that spark their creativity, like Play-doh or Crayons, toys that spark logic and reasoning like Lego's and Dominos and toys that foster physical coordination and overall general fitness like a really good rubber ball or jump rope. The simplest toys are the best because they require thought, action and creativity to use and will build a lifetime of skill for your child. The mind is truly a precious thing to waste, so ditch the TV and the video games and help your child to use the most important thing he/she has: the mind.
Friday, December 7, 2012
"Courage is simply the willingness
to be afraid and act anyway." ~Dr. Robert Anthony
Change is often the scariest thing we face in our lives. But change brings with it many blessings, even though it may not seem that way at first. As we approach the new year, many of us are already thinking of changes we'd like to make in our lives. Perhaps losing a few pounds or saving money this year are some things that may be on a list. But even before we put pen to paper and write down our resolutions, we have already failed. Why? Fear. As determined as we think we are, the fear of change can halt even the best intentions in their tracks. For many folks it's not the fear of the actual doing that's the issue. It's the fear of failing, so they give up long before they even really began.
This year, don't let fear of anything get in your way. Take each goal one moment at a time and remember to reward yourself along the way. Courage is a great teacher. Find it. Allow yourself to do something you've never done, try something you've never tried before and open yourself up to new ideas, concepts and beliefs. Strive to become a stronger, braver and more well-rounded person. You won't regret it.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
the world drift slowly by,
I hang my head
and softly cry.
Sometimes it
I’m the only
Who sees the
world the way I do,
And think the
And dream the
And feel the
I can’t
Watching the
years slip faster by,
I lift my eyes
up to the sky.
Maybe there is
an answer for me,
Or maybe there
is nothing at all.”
-From "The Truth About Luci" - V.K. Lindssey
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
"...reality trumps all belief systems: what you believe is not nearly so important as what is real." - Derrick Jensen
This quote got me thinking. How do we define what is real? I've always wondered about that. We say that the sky is blue, because the human brain interprets the color that way. But how do we know that the sky really isn't a shade of magenta? How would we ever know? Thanks to advances in since, we now know that nothing in the universe is solid. Everything is made up of energy. So if nothing is truly solid, how can I pick up a pen or walk on the ground? How is it that we are all not floating in space somewhere? And what is reality, anyway? If reality is nothing more than perception, then how can there even be a such thing, since every single organism's perception is different? Who then, gets to define what reality is? Well that's my random insanity for today. Hope this got you thinking too!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Courage is not noisy. It's the quiet
voice at the end of the day that say, 'I will try again.'
As long as you keep trying, you cannot fail. Failure only happens when you give up. Even if things go completely wrong, there is always something you can learn, do and achieve. Simply ask, "What can I do with this?" My Great Uncle loved to build things. One summer, he decided to build a small shed for his tools. He had it built and ready to go in less than a week. It looked amazing. The following week, a hurricane blew through and a large tree fell on it, demolishing it. He pulled what was left of the shed apart, sorted through the remains of the old shed for parts, and built another one. A couple of weeks later, a construction worker who had been hired by his neighbor to re-build a leach field, accidentally drove a back-hoe into the new shed, once again demolishing it. The man was an upstanding man, however, and paid my uncle for the materials to build a new one and offered to help him build it. Two weeks later, my uncle finally had his tool shed. Months passed, and one day he got some bad news. My Aunt was dying. With soaring medical bills, they were forced to sell their home. As they packed up their belongings, He decided that the tool shed he had worked so hard to build, had to come with him. But how? They were moving to the city and wouldn't have room for it on the tiny lot. So, he broke it down board by board and cut all the lumber into uniform-sized pieces and stored them in totes. After they were settled, he started a new project. He used the lumber to build doll houses which he then donated to charity. Of course, there was one small model he built that stayed on a prominent shelf in his workshop just above his work bench until he died. It was an exact replica of his tool shed.
Monday, December 3, 2012
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