So how does
this apply to winning the lottery? Well, for starters, lottery numbers are
extraordinarily random and so statistically challenging, that the human brain
is simply not capable of processing that kind of information. It would be like
trying to live-stream 1,000 television shows simultaneously through an old
dial-up Internet connection. It’s simply not going to happen. Of those 1,000
shows, you may get a 30 second clip from one, IF you’re lucky.
But even IF
your brain were talented enough to actually receive the numbers, there is
always the issue of destiny. If you’re not destined to become wealthy, the
numbers, no matter how talented you are, will not come to you. The universe, or
God, or whatever you believe in, only ever provides you with what is meant for
you. So if your path in life is to experience what it’s like to struggle and
find meaning in the simpler things in life, then winning the lottery won’t be
part of your path.
There are
two other scenarios, which I’d like you to consider:
The first is
that even if winning the lottery is potentially part of your future, if you don’t
believe that you deserve the wealth, your mind will filter out the winning numbers
because it will perceive them as a threat to your comfort level, despite how
badly you may want it.
another option: Suppose you want to win the lottery. You truly believe you
deserve the wealth, but still you can’t seem to conjure up the winning numbers.
You do some soul-searching and realize that deep down inside, you are terrified
of change. Winning the lottery would certainly change your life, so your brain
filters out the numbers to protect your status quo.
Make sense?
With so many variables, the likelihood of any psychic, no matter how talented
they may be, predicting winning lottery numbers is next to nothing. I won’t
venture to say it’s impossible, but statistically, you’d have a better chance
of sprouting a set of superhuman wings and learning to fly.